Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Special Couple~Camarie and Lars

This is a pretty special couple to me!  Lars I just met the day of this session, but he's special because he serves our country and was on R&R from serving on foreign soil.  Thank you Lars for serving your country so that we can live freely.  His wife, Camarie, was in my very first third grade class, my first year of teaching!  That entire class was special to me, but Camarie and a few others, I will NEVER forget!  We recently reconnected and it wasn't on fb, it was at Wal-Mart of all places!  I was so excited!  Thank you guys for meeting up with me on such a hot Texas day and for pretending you like the soda, even though I know you didn't!  I think your session turned out great!  I hope you enjoy!


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